
tag repeat <div repeat="user in users"></div> is used to iterate item of array to view , and each dom iterm create by repeat will auto create a sub scope for current data.


as attribute:

1 <ANY
2   repeat="user in users">
3 ...
4 </ANY>


@expression xx in yy



  • jquery
    • compA
      1. a
      2. b
  • angularj
    • compB
      1. c
      2. d
 1 <div scope="spec.repeat">
 2   <ul>
 3     <li repeat="lib in frameworks" class="lib"> <span>{{ }}</span>
 4       <ul>
 5         <li repeat="user in lib.users" class="user"> <span>{{ user.comp }}</span>
 6           <ol>
 7             <li repeat="ep in user.emp">{{}}</li>
 8           </ol>
 9         </li>
10       </ul>
11     </li>
12   </ul>
13 </div>
 1 define('spec.repeat', function (exports,require,module) {
 2   exports = module.exports = function () {
 3     var m = {
 4       frameworks: [{
 5         name: "jquery",
 6         users: [{
 7           comp: "compA",
 8           emp: [{
 9             name: "a"
10           }, {
11             name: "b"
12           }]
13         }]
14       }, {
15         name: "angularj",
16         users: [{
17           comp: "compB",
18           emp:
19             [{
20             name:
21               "c"
22           },
23           {
24             name:
25               "d"
26           }]
27         }]
28       }]
29     };
30     this.inject(m);
31   };
32 });