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define("river.grammer.repeat", function(exports,require,module) { var $tool = require('river.core.tools') , $scan = require('river.engine').scan , model = require('river.core.model') , me = this; function loadGrammar(key) { return me.need('river.grammer.' + key); } /** * all the grammer 'this' object contains,this the base api * { * node:, * reg:, * scope, * eom * } **/ var repeatNode,repeatContainer; var afterIn = /.*in\s/; var beforeIn = /\sin.*/; function repeat(str,scope,element) { //to-do var ns = /.*\./; var pro = str.replace(afterIn, '').replace(ns, ''); var data = scope[pro]; var key = str.replace(beforeIn, ''); var parentNode = element.parentNode; var node = parentNode.removeChild(element); var frg = document.createDocumentFragment(); var _r = this.reg; var eom = this.eom[pro] = []; node.removeAttribute('repeat'); repeatNode = node; repeatContainer = parentNode; eom.repeatNode = node; eom.repeatContainer = parentNode; eom.trans = trans; eom.key = key; eom.reg = _r; scope.__children__ = scope.__children__ || []; if (data && data.length) { data.forEach(function(d,i) { var _n = node.cloneNode(true); var m = {}; var F = function(f){ //this._$value = f; this[key] = f; } F.prototype = scope; var mod = new F(d);//new model(d); mod.__eom__ = {}; mod.__eom__[key] = m; mod.__last__ = {}; mod.__last__[key] = scope.__last__ && scope.__last__[pro][i] || $tool.clone(d); mod.__listeners__ = {}; scope.__children__.push(mod); trans(_r, _n, mod, key, m); m.repeat = _n; eom.push(m); frg.appendChild(_n); }); parentNode.appendChild(frg); } } var context = {}; function trans(reg, doc, scope, key, eom) { var hasRepeat = false; if (doc.attributes && doc.attributes.length) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(doc.attributes, function(attr) { if (reg.test(attr.nodeValue)) { var k = attr.nodeValue.replace(reg, '').replace(key + '.', ''); if (!eom[k]) { eom[k] = []; } eom[k].push({ element: attr, expression: attr.nodeValue }); var value = typeof scope[key] == 'object' ? scope[key][k] : scope[key]; attr.nodeValue = attr.nodeValue.replace(/{{.*}}/, value); } context.node = doc; context.scope = scope;//scope; waiting for refactory context.reg = reg; context.eom = eom; if ('repeat' === attr.nodeName) { hasRepeat = true; var ch = attr.nodeValue.replace(afterIn,'').replace(/\..*/,''); context.scope = scope[ch]; repeat.call(context, attr.nodeValue.replace(reg, ''),scope[ch],doc); }else{ var grammer = loadGrammar(attr.nodeName); if($tool.isFunction(grammer)){ var str = attr.nodeValue.replace(reg, ''); context.eom = {}; grammer.call(context,str,scope,context.node); } } }); } if (reg.test(doc.nodeValue)) { var k = doc.nodeValue.replace(reg, '').replace(key + '.', ''); $tool.buildobj(k,'.',eom,function(obj,key){ obj[key] = obj[key] || []; obj[key].push({ element: doc, expression: doc.nodeValue }); }); /* if (!eom[k]) { eom[k] = []; } eom[k].push({ element: doc, expression: doc.nodeValue }); */ //this change is for identify two case: // 1. scope = {} // 2. scope = "string" or number var value = typeof scope[key] == 'object' ? scope[key][k] : scope[key]; if(typeof scope[key] === 'object'){ $tool.buildobj(k,'.',scope[key],function(obj,key){ value = obj[key]; }); } doc.nodeValue = doc.nodeValue.replace(/{{.*}}/, value); } if (doc.childNodes && doc.childNodes.length && !hasRepeat) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(doc.childNodes, function(child) { trans(reg, child, scope, key, eom); }); } } return repeat; });