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define('river.engine',function() { var me = this, tool = me.need('river.core.tools'); function loadGrammer(key) { return me.need('river.grammer.' + key); } // this reg is for math {{ **.** }} type expression var reg = /.*{{\s*|\s*}}.*/g; function checkAttributes(doc, fatherContext) { var state = { hasRepeat: false, context: fatherContext }; var newContext = { scope: {}, node: doc, eom: {}, reg: reg }; if (doc.attributes && doc.attributes.length) { for(var i = 0;i<doc.attributes.length;i++){ var attr= doc.attributes[i]; var key = attr.nodeName; var value = attr.nodeValue.replace(reg, ''); var grammer = loadGrammer(key); if ('scope' === key) { //here we cover the current context by newContext; state.context = newContext; grammer.call(state.context, value,state.context.scope,state.context.node); if (fatherContext) { //the inherit object should be the same reference,nor a new one.And no need to inherit eom. tool.inherit(state.context.scope, fatherContext.scope); } } else { if (tool.isFunction(grammer)) { if (state.context) { state.context.node = doc; grammer.call(state.context, value,state.context.scope,state.context.node); checkText(attr, state.context); } else { state.context = newContext; loadGrammer('scope').call(state.context, value); grammer.call(state.context, value,state.context.scope,state.context.node); } } } if ('repeat' === key) { state.hasRepeat = true; break; } } } return state; } function checkText(doc, context) { if (reg.test(doc.nodeValue)) { var key = doc.nodeValue.replace(/\r|\n/g,'').replace(reg, ''); //'a.b.c.d' var ns = key.split('.'); var value = {}; var eom = {}; for(var i=0;i<ns.length;i++){ if(typeof value === 'object'){ value = value[ns[i]] || context.scope[ns[i]] } } value = typeof value == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(value) : value; if(typeof value == 'undefined') value = ''; tool.buildobj(key,'.',context.eom,function(obj,key){ obj[key] = obj[key] || []; obj[key].push({ element: doc, expression: doc.nodeValue }); }); doc.nodeValue = doc.nodeValue.replace(/\r|\n/g,'').replace(/{{.*}}/, value); } } function checkChildren(doc, state) { if (doc.childNodes && doc.childNodes.length) { for(var i=0;i<doc.childNodes.length;i++){ var child = doc.childNodes[i]; var context = state ? state.context : undefined; var s = scan(child, context); if(s.hasRepeat) break; } } } function scan(doc, context) { var state = checkAttributes(doc, context); if (state.context) { checkText(doc, state.context); } if ('CODE' !== doc.nodeName && 'PRE' !== doc.nodeName && !state.hasRepeat) { if (state.context) { checkChildren(doc, state); } else { checkChildren(doc); } } return state; } /*! * contentloaded.js * * Author: Diego Perini (diego.perini at gmail.com) * Summary: cross-browser wrapper for DOMContentLoaded * Updated: 20101020 * License: MIT * Version: 1.2 * * URL: * http://javascript.nwbox.com/ContentLoaded/ * http://javascript.nwbox.com/ContentLoaded/MIT-LICENSE * */ // @win window reference // @fn function reference function contentLoaded(win, fn) { var done = false, top = true, doc = win.document, root = doc.documentElement, add = doc.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent', rem = doc.addEventListener ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent', pre = doc.addEventListener ? '' : 'on', init = function(e) { if (e.type == 'readystatechange' && doc.readyState != 'complete') return; (e.type == 'load' ? win : doc)[rem](pre + e.type, init, false); if (!done && (done = true)) fn.call(win, e.type || e); }, poll = function() { try { root.doScroll('left'); } catch(e) { setTimeout(poll, 50); return; } init('poll'); }; if (doc.readyState == 'complete') fn.call(win, 'lazy'); else { if (doc.createEventObject && root.doScroll) { try { top = !win.frameElement; } catch(e) { } if (top) poll(); } doc[add](pre + 'DOMContentLoaded', init, false); doc[add](pre + 'readystatechange', init, false); win[add](pre + 'load', init, false); } } return { scan:scan, ready:contentLoaded }; });